We were blessed enough at the start of the year to spend a
week on the Gold Coast as we journeyed through to a family get-together at
Bribie Island. So there was really no need to stop in here. However, we made a
special exception for our dear friends Liesl, J and their sweet little family.
We only spent 2 nights at the Big 4 (Gold Coast Holiday Park). Wow, this place
was a well-oiled machine! It had an amazing pool area, with a cafe and the park
even supplied a free pancake breakfast Sunday morning.
The view over the pool from the park's own restaurant! |
The other memorable thing about this stop was the area we
were assigned in the park. We told them our van was 24 feet and were told we’d
need to be in the big-rig section. The what? I guess I assumed we’d be, amongst
our caravanning cousins... the grey nomads, always viewed as the large family
van crew. You know, the ones disturbing other fellow aeroguard appliers as we
manouvered our big bunk van in amongst the little 19 feet bed-&-bath
combos. But no, not at the Gold Coast, our humble home-on-wheels became the locust
amongst the giants! It was funny to see our van dwarfed by a big Winnebago on
one side, absolutely ginormous 5th Wheelers on the other and even a bus! If
only we got a picture....doh!
Baha! That's hilarious!! It must be pretty impressive though, some of those big rigs. I'd be asking the owners if I could take a peek inside and explore! :D